odds and ends

Assault Android Cactus continues lumbering forwards, absorbing the occasional hit and struggling to keep the chain alive! Thankyou to everyone who has checked out the Early Access, particularly the live streamers! It’s been awesome seeing them announced on Twitter and jumping in to chat with everyone.

Last month Sanatana flew all the way to London to show off the game at the Eurogamer Expo, as we had been selected for inclusion in the Indie Games Arcade. Here’s his interview with the Indie Mine!


A couple of weeks ago now we released a Steam update, adding effects and balancing to Vespula, visual dressing to Process, and a new level, Assembly.

And the other week I flew down to Melbourne for this years GCAP to give a couple of workshops for Autodesk based on the Cactus asset workflow. Autodesk even went as far as having Assault Android Cactus setup and playable at GCAP, challenging people to get the best score on Decent using Holly, with the winner getting a copy of the recently released Maya LT!


photo courtesy of Jess Watson


It started as a free-for-all but towards the end of day one, Jason of Disparity Games emerged as the clear leader. However Jack from Well Placed Cactus returned with a vengeance on the second day, and despite Jason pushing the score cap ever higher, in the end Jack inched ahead with a final score of 255,911!

Tips, play analysis and strategies ran rampant, but what everyone really needed on the day was a helpful explanatory video explaining how to get THE BEST SCORE IN THE WORLD, like this!



And speaking of the community, the Steam Hub is buzzing with activity. The forum is a great place to ask questions and interact with other people in the early access but there are also some great and very comprehensive guides showing up on the site! A while back saberboy117 released a guide on Coral that covers a number of tips and tricks concerning what many people consider the most technical and difficult to play character.

We’re in this year’s IGF, you can see our entry over here! Wish us luck!

This months issue (#242) of Australia’s long running gaming magazine Hyper has an Indie Special! We get a mention on the cover and look for an article on Assault Android Cactus on page 48!

I released some higher resolution artwork of the little Avatar icons used on the leaderboards recently. They’re already available on Steam if you feel like a new avatar.

However one place where they’ve already taken off is over on Twitter, where everyone has been busy editing their own! I’ve seen so many creative variations so far, it’s been fantastic and utterly confusing for the non Assault Android Cactus players, which is as it should be!