Play the Unpacking Demo on Oct 3!

Hi Unpackers!

Miss playing the demo? We know we’ve heard a ton of people asking for it to come back.

Thanks to ACMI and Melbourne International Games Week, the Unpacking demo will be available as part of the Big Games Night In program — a week for people to connect and celebrate Australian game-makers! We’re grateful to be part of such a vibrant community of game folks.

Not only will Unpacking be featured alongside a bunch of other fun games, but the demos will be free to enjoy here, starting Sunday, October 3rd. Hope you love it! Don’t forget to share your screenshots on Twitter and tag us, or join our Discord. We’re even on TikTok if you end up recording something!

Other Shenanigans

Meanwhile, we’ve been poking away at getting our last implementations in before the release on November 2nd. (So soon! Agh!) If you’re press or a content creator interested in getting a demo key, you can apply for one here, but no guarantees. And if you know of a content creator who would enjoy our game, please feel free to send it their way or poke them politely about it. Every little bit helps.

If you’re interested in the behind-the-scenes of Unpacking, our inspirations, and our journey — we just released a whole dev diary about it! You can watch that here.

Fan Art

Finally, here’s a little fan creation shout out to @coco_richelle, who recreated a bunch of our Unpacking rooms in The Sims! All our community members’ work and encouragement really keep us going, so thank you for that.

One more month to go!! Don’t forget to wishlist the game on Steam — see you VERY soon!

Victoria and the Unpacking team
