Unpacking is coming to PAX Online!

Finally, we’re showing the game somewhere EVERYONE can attend!

PAX Online has selected Unpacking as one of the 20 games they’re featuring in their Indie Showcase! Our favourite part of doing shows has always been letting people go hands on with the game, so for PAX Online we’ll have a demo available through Steam for the duration of the show.

The demo covers the first two time periods in the game and only scratches the surface, but should give you a taste of how it plays ahead of our full release next year. Be sure to head to our Steam page from Saturday the 12th to Sunday the 20th and try it for yourself!

To mark the occasion, we made a trailer! We’re really proud of it. Check it out:

P.S: We also have a brand new website! It’s got some new screenshots and an adorable design.
